Oil content at the outlet of micro oil screw air compressor

Q: What is the oil content at the outlet of the micro oil screw air compressor?

Answer: When the micro oil screw air compressor exhausts, the gas contains a certain amount of oil, water, and a small amount of impurities in the air,

After the filtration effect of the post-processing equipment, the cold dryer and precision filter, they will be basically removed, but there will still be oil in the gas, and the micro oil air compressor cannot achieve 100% oil free.

The difference between oil free and micro oil air compressors

Q: What is the difference between oil free and micro oil air compressors?

Answer: The compressed air of an oil-free screw air compressor is 100% oil-free, and the post-treatment equipment only filters impurities and water vapor in the air, so it is better to choose an oil-free screw air compressor first.

There is a small amount of oil in the compressed air of the micro oil screw air compressor, which can be treated through post-processing equipment. However, no matter how the gas is treated, oil still exists in the gas.